Quality, Health, Safety, & Environmental

Ensuring quality, health, safety, and environmental standards is crucial in the offshore industry. At Bobcat Oilfield Solutions and Services, we take this responsibility seriously. With a dedicated QHSE Manager, a proven safety record, and thorough employee training and competency assessments, we guarantee our commitment to providing an environment that is safe, efficient, and environmentally sound. Trust Bobcat for excellence in QHSE.

Dedicated QHSE Manager

Bobcat Oilfield Solutions and Services (BOSS) recognizes the importance of maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. That’s why we provide a Dedicated QHSE Manager to help ensure that Health & Safety remains a priority, and that Quality remains the standard.

Commitment to Improvement 

Bobcat Oilfield Solutions and Services (BOSS) recognizes the value of and remains committed to improving upon how we plan, assess risk, train our employees, and proactively identify opportunities to continually improve.  

Earning Your Trust

Bobcat Oilfield Solutions and Services (BOSS) understands that we must earn your trust on every job.   To help do this, we maintain full CRA compliance, adhere to strict equipment maintenance and inspection procedures, and ensure that BOSS Testing, Measuring, Monitoring, and Detection equipment is accurately calibrated and currently certified.

Quality Management System

Bobcat Oilfield Solutions & Services (BOSS) conforms to the requirements of the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) Specification Q2 (second edition) standard. The BOSS Quality Management System defines the principles by which we manage our business and guides us to continually improve upon the services we provide. At the core of this comprehensive standard is employee competency, risk management and contingency planning, service and quality planning, supply chain and purchasing controls, preventive maintenance, measuring and detection device management, and continual improvement through nonconformance management, and by managing change. BOSS chose this comprehensive standard, as it is risk-based, versus process-based; a better fit, in our opinion, for the challenges that oil and natural gas services companies face both here in the U.S., and internationally. BOSS strives to continuously improve upon the services we provide, and to be recognized as a leader in the Oil and Gas Tubular Assembly, Make-Up, and Testing Industry.

Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) Program

Bobcat Oilfield Solutions and Services (BOSS) is committed to maintaining a healthy and safe working environment. BOSS management takes a systematic approach towards ensuring the necessary safeguards, programs, training, and resources are available to reduce the potential for incidents. Like our Quality Management System, the BOSS Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) Program defines the principles by which we operate and guide us to protect our personnel, the people we work with, and the environment that we are borrowing from our children. Our objective is a Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) program that reduces illnesses and injuries to a minimum, but our goal will always be zero incidents.